Peeling the onion
Romney's profits built on fraud
Romney-Water's flood
The report "Evidence Romney is benefiting from Federal Fraud" reprinted below connects the dots between Mitt Romney and an apparent business model of Fraud Upon The Court:
(emphasis and formatting added)

Subject: Evidence Romney is benefiting from Federal Fraud.
First – as Full Disclosure – your reporting these crimes – helps Laser Haas
However, that is no substantial reason to decline to report the facts.
I, Steven Haas, a/k/a Laser Haas (LASER) – do testify to you this day Under PENALTY OF PERJURY that the information on this, the 20th day – of December 2011 – is True and Correct and will go to Any Notary – Law Firm and sign such affidavit(s)
Bain owns Toys R Us
Toys R Us – ILLEGALLY – owns the stolen property of eToys
Toys R Us also owns FAO Schwartz, Kay Bee Toys, Baby Universe and The Parent Company
all be Federal Fraud
All those cases have 1 thing in common – Paul Traub as the “purported” attorney for Creditors but he betrayed that fiduciary duty always, by selling the assets to Bain various interests for pennies on the dollar With Traub — never EVER – disclosing his connections to Romney/ Bain
However – there is a link in the public docket records In Stage Stores Bankruptcy case (800,000 controlling shares by Romney) Paul Traub did a lapse linguae and confessed that he works for Jack Bush Barry Gold (Traub’s secret partner) also admitted Jack Bush issues in eToys
Jack Bush is CEO of IdeaForest – and that is owned by Bain. Mitt Romney continues to get millions from Bain and he did manage/ own Bain – in 2001 – when the crimes began.
the “Deal-aware” law firm of is Mitt Romney’s counsel in Delaware MNAT merged The Learning Company with Mattel Toys – who lost over $1 billion in the deal.
Romney, Bain, Sankaty and other Romney associates owned The Learning Company.
Romney also owned Stage Stores (that was in bankruptcy) Barry Gold worked for the directors/ stockholders of Stage Stores (S Texas Bankr 00-35078)
Paul Traub has worked with Mitt Romney issues since NeoStar
Traub Bonacquist & Fox was hired by Barry Gold in Stage Stores (it was illegally kept secret – that Gold and Traub are partners) Barry Gold/ Traub’s partner – also worked for other directors like Jack Bush and Michael Glazer Michael Glazer was also CEO of Bain’s entity – Kay Bee Toys – at that same time.
The Paul Traub and MNAT – while lying to the Chief federal justice about their connections did place (illegally) – Barry Gold in eToys as President/ CEO and then sold eToys to Bain / Kay Bee for less than pennies on the dollar (that is right – they actually Paid themselves to get eToys for FREE) (a whole other War n Peace Book)
But here is 1 solid concrete crime
I was the liquidation consultant approved by the court and sold to Bain/ Kay Bee for $10 million they – while lying (hiding their connections to Bain) reduced the price of from $10 million to $3 million
Now – it is a fact of law – that I do Not need the evidence that the price was reduced if you ask a bankruptcy attorney *(you can trust) – to tell you the statute simply by hiding the Conflict of Interest and lying about it – then selling the asset to themselves is believed to be a crime – even if they shout they got $1 billion for it.
(see Eat What You Kill – the Fall of a Wall Street Lawyer – by Milton C Regan)
Bain does not manage businesses well – but they are pro’s at one thing Filing bankruptcy – stiffing the creditors and re-issuing the shares to themselves for Free
There is even a Kay Bee Toys Fraud
Michael Glazer paid himself and Bain $100 million right before Kay Bee file bankruptcy.
MNAT – Openly – represents Bain in the $100 million preferential and Paul Traub actually asked the court to be the one to prosecute the crimes how can they get away with this
The DEAL-aware United States Attorney who refused to investigate and prosecute the case was Colm Connolly.
What still remains hidden (though a honorable federal agent did assist us) is the fact that Colm Connolly betrayed his public oath and country too.
For he was in Fact – a Partner with the MNAT law firm in 2001 the very year MNAT, Bain and Goldman Sachs perpetrated the frauds
See Colm Connolly’s Resume
You can do your country a great service – stopping Large organized criminals in their tracks All you have to do is ask What did Bain’s law firm in DE (MNAT) get a cake walk for 15 confessions to false affidavits in the times when Martha Stewart and Barry Bonds are going to trial for evasive answers?
Why is it – that the Delaware US Attorney Colm Connolly was able to get away with not investigating and prosecuting obvious bad faith acts?
Here’s why
We reported all this to the Dept of Justice Public Corruption Task Force and They Shut it Down!
See “Shake-up roils federal prosecutors” = the L.A. Times story on how US Attorney O’Brien actually (purportedly) Threatened career Asst US Attorneys to keep their mouths shut or Else!
Once you report this – I will show you how a brother of a MN Asst US Attorney was involved in fraud and then (purportedly) committed suicide….
Sincerely Laser Haas