Update March 2014: BankruptcyMisconduct scores On March 6, 2014 Cyrus Vance, the Manhattan DA, indicts three lawyers who where senior management of Dewey LeBoeuf, plus one very junior tool (whose lawyer it seems must be suffering some sort of conflict of interest because we can't fathom why he's not talking for a deal). We have a new page COMING SOON devoted to our analysis of this neo-development, particularly with respect to the surgical precision Vance uses to go after only a few attorneys, and to protect the greater network of financial criminals involved. (Um, read about Citibank and JP Morgan if Yo' curious) But for now, you can Download your own free copy of the indictment of Steven Davis, Stephen DiCarmine, Joel Sanders, and Zachary Warren from our downloads section here.
Sept 2013: It's probably too early for us to mention, but here goes nothing: a little bird whispered to us something about an investigation of Cyrus Vance, Jr. Perhaps the seemingly blatant abuse of prosecutorial discretion may bite Cyrus in the ass after all!
Notice how only a few Rabbi's got collared after the decade or so of human kidney sales & installations in the US were exposed?
Those scapegoats are just the top of the icebergs if anyone really wanted to mete out justice to the illicit human organ trading industry. Guess how many lawyers, doctors, hospitals, and other kidney profiteers are just a heartbeat away from incarceration, and having their homes taken, and their family names disgraced: Some transplants took place at major New York City hospitals, and Scheper-Hughes said that the hospital personnel knew illegal transplants were taking place.
We guess too many connected associates for Cy Vance to "resist". Or is the correct word "oppose"? And the main stream media aided the job of cover up. 
It seems that the deal window is closed, even for the operating nurses and anesthesiologists who kept quiet when kidney after kidney arrived in portable coolers. And to think that the Cryus Vance name will be forever tarnished over kidney beans. Perhaps too late for the throngs of New York State law enforcement to cover their own asses, or to cut their own deal with the feds. Maybe a junior prosecutor could leak his (or her) own spin to a newspaper just for a little C.Y.A. - and who knows - could become a retirement plan of its own. What will dirty law enforcement do? Cyrus Vance, Jr.
New: Ned Bassen (lawyer for Steven Davis) brags in court "that there has been no recent activity" in Vance's investigation into Davis's conduct at Dewey LeBoeuf.
Dirty Prosecutor with a history of Failing To Prosecute Connected Lawyers and Elite Financial Criminals Cyrus Vance, Jr. is an expert at prosecuting the little guy, and protecting big connected criminals. Most recently, BankruptcyMisconduct has written about how J.P. Morgan and Citibank were both shown to be involved in the financial reporting frauds by the disgraced mega law firm Dewey LeBoeuf. Cy Vance, What a Putz: Oh, but there is more... Hey Cy, explain to us the issues that the Manhattan Prosecutor's Office dealt with as it decided against indicting Eliot Spitzer for his money laundering, aiding and abetting, and organized crime participation crimes? What about the admitted wife beater Judge James Peck? And should Davis have Polked around like that in your Wardwell? Seems like the abuse of women is high up on the list of criminal conduct to ignore, when the money/connections are right.