Fat Bottom Girls, You Make the Justice World Go Round
Perhaps Judge Engoron should do like MoFo's Larren Nashelsky does: ask Barbra Streisand for some advice on the Streisand Effect. To be sure, Artie ain't want nobody noticin' Big Al's unsightly binging in the New York City Trough of Democrat Corruption.
But gagging' a retweet? Evidently, a clever bloke known as Brock Fredin started with a tweet, which President Trump retweeted. Of course, Team Engoron operates a round-the-clock Business Intelligence operation that scours the interweb and thus found said retweet. Normal consumers of legal news might wonder why judicial personnel would seek out such things on their own. But Artie is a few clicks beyond normal to begin with. Well, the problem for Engoron is that Mr. Fredin does not seem to be anybody's fool, and the dubious Gag Order infringed upon his 1st amendment rights, not to mention those of President Trump. And as luck would have it, all of the Trump Hate judicial misconduct can be put on an undeniable display in the hands of a skillful talent. Behold the page 1 of a complaint by Mr. Fredin that was delivered to just about everybody with a paddle in NY State: (We've added hilighting)

Yeah, that's merely the first page.
You owe it to yourself to download the entire document. It includes receipts! It's for free here on BankruptcyMisconduct.com. Ouch!
And who is this "Big Al" anyway? And just how big is they? Well Allison R. Greenfield is pretty darn big, indeed. In fact, she's got a big website here.
 photo courtesy of www.attorneyallisongreenfield.com
We can't say for sure if Judge Artie Engoron is a smoker, or what in particular he's been smoking. We can say that there is a really big story behind Allison Greenfield and her very high profile in this so-called Financial Fraud case against President Trump and his NYC based companies. That big story is about Big Al's blatant disregard for the rules in at least keeping up the appearance of impartiality. But what do we know? Read the awesome kick-ass letter by a super-hero known as Brock Fredin here. Here's some excerpts:
I am requesting that, based on this letter, each of the entities above open an investigation into Your Honor and Ms. Greenfield to determine whether any ethical or court rules have been violated and to impose appropriate sanctions. The facts laid out above are incredibly troubling. They cast a chilling shadow over the People v. Trump et al. matter as well as the New York Unified Court System and would make any reasonable person question the integrity and impartiality of Ms. Greenfield, Your Honor and the court system as a whole.