You Go Boy !!!
The Smoking Gun -- Proof that is easy to digest Well here's a begging 15 for a little man called Paul Traub. As "luck" would have it, Paul Traub, Esq. is not just a dirty lawyer, he is a bankruptcy lawyer.
 And you can see written evidence below of a "Confidential" letter where Paul Traub and Barry Gold are partners in a business venture that liquidates bankrupt companies. And while we are on the subject of pastels, that purple part indicates Scienter, not that it is required. But it really underscores intent and the fact that a Federal Special Prosecutor is what we really need. 

So Paul Traub goes both ways. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Paul likes to be employed as debtor's counsel in a bankruptcy case but he also likes it when his joint partnership gets hired by companies that are operating in the zone of insolvency. But the tricky thing for Paul is that once you have a business relationship with Barry Gold, and a joint enterprise that seeks to be employed by bankrupt companies, then you might run into a situation where you'd really like to do both. That is, Paul Traub might like to be hired in a large bankruptcy case as debtor's counsel or official counsel to one of the committees. And Barry Gold might like to be hired as a liquidation professional by the same debtor. Problem is the Federal Bankruptcy Code prohibits an official counsel in a bankruptcy case to be a law firm who has a member with a conflict of interest pertaining to any other party in the bankruptcy case. In fact, the law requires that a law firm files an affirmative statement listing every possible conflict and swearing that there exists no undiclosed conflict. So, we'd think that if Paul Traub was employed in let's say the eToys bankruptcy mega-case then Traub and Barry Gold would not lie about their pre-existing connections. Ooops! Fraud On The Court!
Now you have seen and know why Traub and Gold are perjurers.
And now you can begin to fathom the implausability of government lawyers engaging in 'honest' cover up of such blatant attorney fraud in the de facto stipulation to ignore fraud upon the court and the "Judge, Please Hide This" sworn filings, sadly prepared with taxpayers' expense. And now you can better appreciate many of the other eToys pages and the eToys free downloads on BankruptcyMisconduct. And it makes reading Traub's co-partner's "mea culpa, even though I did nothing wrong" that much more entertaining of a read.