A Prelude to a Apollo Global Management roast
Many believe that the demise of Drexel was instigated by a politically connected elite who took advantage of the ego of Michael Milken, an extremely bright individual likely on the Aspergers side of the Autism Disorder spectrum, with his hungry blindered focus fixed firmly on the trees like Pooh's fist locked tight on honey. In contrast, Smokey the Bear was never considered bright but at least he could see the forest, and took notice when "Rome" was burning. What an artful introduction to our page on Apollo, a poet himself whist harbinger of plague.
Coming Soon ... What we really mean ... Apollo Page Outline! - Prelude
- Bruce Bennett Stigma Cloud
- Why BankruptcyMisconduct is watching
- Bennett Puts Apollo in Play
- Caesars $CZR
- Past is Prologue
- SONICblue / Aureal
- Leslie Fay
- John Gellene
- Presidential Race 2016
- Nutty Nerds Unaware of the Blowing Winds
- Michael Milken
- Stephen Brogan
- Howard Marks
- Leon Black
- David Bonderman
 Oh, hold onto your smart phone honey, we'ze gonna have a good time roundin' out 2015