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41. Catch The Whiff
42. Workers' Jeopardy
... d Detroit Police and Fire Fighters AssociationDonald Taylor - President Police Officers Labor CouncilJOHN A. LYONS - Legal representation Police Officers Association of MichiganJames A. Tignanelli ...
43. Pro Hac Vice
44. Schuette's Detroit Scienter
45. Bill Schuette
46. Detroit In Play
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
... of Jones Day arises by their pre-filing multi-million dollar legal services on matters directly related to the bankruptcy filing. To be clear, it's not necessary for Stephen Brogan's bankruptcy lawyers ...
47. Teflon Jon
... lated these fundamanetal customer protections on a scale never previously seen in the U.S. futures markets, harming thousands of people. Jon Corzine, the Chief Executive Officer ("CEO"), is legally respo ...
48. Silicon Graphics
49. Cuomo EthicsGate
50. EthicsGate
... and how the Neo-Mafia has transformed much of our legal system into a profiteering weapon illicitly employed to defend their criminal associates and to attack those who dared to oppose their treason. Surprise ...
52. Cover-Up Unraveling
... illegal transplants were taking place. We guess too many connected associates for Cy Vance to "resist". Or is the correct word "oppose"? And the main stream media aided the job of cover up. It seems ...
54. Romney Stoned
... lawyers, or prosecuting the leaves of their own legal-industrial complex. Sucks to be them. Prosecutorial Discretion used to protect a series of frauds by a bunch of lawyers is the kind of thing that ...
56. JP Morgan vs. Dewey
...  It was the foundation of the post modern legal industry's business model. The times, they are a changing. That darn internet is rearing its ugly mirror, and the commercial media's employment by forces ...
57. Innocent's Imperative
... you legal advice. BankruptcyMisconduct can offer our opinion, but like Smokey the Bear kind-of said: "Only you can fight organized crime". We believe that you will be much better off the sooner you ...
58. Dewey LePerp
... his wife's efforts. We are also obligated to say that we can only speculate on the existence of "Deal Negotiations", and BankruptcyMisconduct is precluded from providing any legal advice as to your prisoner's ...
59. ex post Dewey
... that criminal conduct is involved. Our contributors have risked mean spirited retribution, death threats, and retaliation by the self serving hypocrisy of a so-called "legal system" that is systemically ...
60. Seeking Viability
... to the firm by clients. Big legal matters a serious for business, and who want's to jeopardize their job by signing with a firm whose ongoing existing is so commonly questioned? As at least one internet ...
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