Why Preet's Potato? Well firstly of course, to honor Preet Bharara. Secondly, there is a children's game called "Hot Potato". Imagine yourself as a little kid in kindergarten, and there you are sitting around with other kids and someone starts the game by throwing a hot potato into your lap. Noone wants the hot potato! You could get burned. And thus we understand how some politico-economic saavy prosecutors feel whilst struggling with the professional duty oft excused as Prosecutorial Discretion.
If you just bury a potato in a hole in the ground, like in a cover-up, you're only going to end up growing a lot more potatoes. -- Oliver Wendell Douglas, Esq.
But this is purportedly a nation of laws...
So what will Mr. Bharara do? Will he fry the potato into chips, mash them up, or make some Bratkartoffeln mit Zwiebeln ? Preet has got to do something with the potato besides passing it on to someone else, or just burying it. Such acts are the coward's way of dealing with misconduct & crime by bigshot firms, which most every prosecutor hopes to eventually join (or have a relation join) as a partner. Yeah, the fed pension is something, but it's equaled by just one year at one of those $2Million per year law firms. Do we wonder why no BigLaw partners get incarcerated, when so many fed lawyers jump into partnerships for a year or two prior to full retirement with their federal pensions?

We wonder, how many Feds are going to paint themselves into a corner before the eventual catharsis cleans out the crap. There is no fraud like eToys, the cover-up which keeps exposing naked chiefs proudly walking bare ass'ed through the middle of town.
At any rate, there is an interesting assertion in the eMail to the law firm Epstein Becker & Green P.C. which is reproduced below, authored by none other than Laser Haas "The unstoppable". We invite legal scholars to pine in here at this web site in our comments (or our own sites wiki pages coming soon) about this legal question: At what point do lawyers become obligated, when they are working on a matter wherein either their client, or person associated therewith, is admitted to having engaged in crime? Obligated (enveloped? intertwined?) to take a variety of actions including say:
- withdraw from the proceedings,
- notify their own insurance carrier,
- make a criminal referral,
- inform their own law firm's executive committee,
- report a crime to an appropriate district attorney,
- inform on corruption or malfeasance by a governmental entity,
- seek independent counsel's advice,
- retain a criminal attorney for their own protection,
... and at the very least ( lest the self regulating foundation of the legal industry be found a charade )
- notify an appropriate state bar (when wrongdoers include an attorney)?
And here is another question:
Is it wise for an attorney working for the Federal Government to refuse to take action to punish blatant criminals just because such criminals were big players in the same industry the attorney hopes to join upon leaving the DOJ's revolving door?
If your answer was "not sure", "maybe" or even "yes", re-consider the same question in a circumstance where a number of internet and media savvy individuals are devoted to forever binding the names of government "regulators" who fail their duties - by corruption, cowardice, or sloth - to the blatant acts of the criminals. In other words, is that your final answer or would like to: "phone a friend", "confer with a criminal law specialist", or "ask the BankruptcyMisconduct audience"?
_________________ Check this out: _________________
From: Laser Haas <
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> To:
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; FBI Virginia Public Corruption Unit <
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>; Robert Mueller Director FBI <
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>; USTP Bankruptcy Fraud Div <
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>; Excutive Office for U.S. Trustees <
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>; Senator Leahy VT <
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; "
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" <
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>; Criminal Division US DOJ <
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>; Insptector General US DOJ <
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>; Marily Felton Asst US Trustee NY <
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>; Mr. Schwartz NY US Attorney office <
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>; Office of Inspector General US Dept of Justice <
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>; G Robinson SEC Fraud Division <
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>; Robert Kolker <
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>; Washington Times Mo contact <
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>; New York State Bar Federal Judge <
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>; Associated Press <
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Sent: Monday, June 8, 2009 11:41:55 AM Subject: Epstein Becker & Green law firm ------ Participation in Fraud on the Court - EBGLaw is Responsible for furtherence! To Whom it May Concern; Let it be known, that Paul Traub has already confessed to supplication of more than seventeen (17) false affidavits and deliberately deceiving the federal court in the cases of In re eToys 01-706 (DE Bankr 2001); In re Kay Bee Toys 04-10120 (DE Bankr 2004) and ebc1 (eToys) v Goldman Sachs (NY Supreme Court 601805/2002). While Paul Traub has provided the premise - that we are just disgruntled claim holders - the fact of the matter is supplication of false affidavits, with some confessed as being intentionally so - that accomplished deception of the Court is;
Perpetration of Fraud on the Court, by an Officer of the Court, vis-a-vis Perjury.
Whilst Paul Traub and his associate Susan Balaschak have escaped culpability for having threatened me to "back off" from investigating and reporting the Fraud - or Else!
The fact also remains that the NY Supreme Ct case and eToys DE Bankruptcy case are open cases and the Statute of Limitations does not begin to run on common fraud until the case is Closed.
Furthermore - as is established in the matter of In re Hazel Atlas Glass (that has been cited numerous times by the 3rd Circuit and DE Bankr Court) - Fraud on the Court, via Officers of the Court does expunge the Statute of Limitations.
Thus far Paul Traub has escaped from being held culpable for more than $300 million in fraud as Wells Fargo's entity Foothill Capital loaned eToys $40 million and transaction over $100 million - without Traub informing the Court of his relationship to Wells Fargo.
Paul Traub has confessed that his former firm Traub Bonacquist & Fox did collaborate with the DE firm of MNAT to draft a [clandestine] Hiring Letter for Barry Gold (Paul Traub's partner in Asset Disposition Advisors) as MNAT and Traub planted Barry Gold within eToys - furtively - as "wind-down coordinator", then President, CEO and confirmed Plan Administrator.
Barry Gold and Paul Traub also worked for Stage Stores, prior to eToys. Stage Stores was co-Debtor with Liquidity Solutions. As part of the confirmed Plan, MNAT, Traub and Barry Gold agreed that the Plan Administrator (Gold) could pay all items under $1 million - WithOut any Court permission - it only needed the permission of the Creditors (Traub's firm by negative notice).
Also, Bain associated parties controlled Stage Stores, including Jack Bush of Bain's IdeaForest and Michael Glazer who was also CEO of Kay Bee Toys. After Barry Gold received four (4) payments of $30,000 each from Paul Traub's firm (Confessed) - MNAT, Paul Traub and Barry Gold negotiated the sale of eToys assets to Bain/ Kay Bee for discounts in the tens of millions of dollars.
This was not the only act of Collusion; for it has since been discovered that MNAT represents Bain in the $100 million that Bain and Michael Glazer were paid pre bankruptcy filing. Paul Traub further compounded this RICO event by actually having the unmitigated gall to petition the Court to be the one to prosecute the $100 million dollar preferential.
The DE Dept of Justice Trial Attorney - Mark Kenney - hand signed a Stipulation to Settle the US Trustee Disgorge Motion (that he digitally signed) - which provided Paul Traub's firm with UNlawful, implied, blanket, immunity.
This made Mark Kenney, despite the fact that he is engaged by the Dept of Justice, a defacto participant in the schemes to perpetrate fraud. A matter which Mark Kenney further compounded when he petitioned the Kay Bee case to Strike & Expunge the evidence.
Mark Kenney felt comfortable in his assistance of the fraud and corruption of the federal court as Roberta DeAngelis was promoted to the post of Acting General Counsel of the EOUST and MNAT's former partner Connolly was the local US Attorney.
DeAngelis had previously been removed from the post of Region 3 Trustee and has now been inserted back in. Mr. Connolly has resigned.
Therefore MNAT, Paul Traub and Barry Gold are all collaborators in a scheme to defraud multiple estates. Also Barry Gold and his cohort Traub, worked for In re Cosmetics Plus - a case they never mentioned to the Court, when they confessed all their purported relationships. Goldman Sachs was the controlling creditor of Cosmetics and MNAT confessed it failed to disclose that it was the Delaware counsel for Goldman Sachs.
The NY Supreme Court case - that is now in full swing - is a perpetration of fraud as well; for MNAT volunteered to shirk the duty of handling the case and nominated MNAT's co-conspirator Paul Traub's firm to handle the NY Supreme Court case. Pomerantz and Wachtel have not only failed to report this, making them also participants in the artifices and schemes to defraud. The attorney for Goldman Sachs revealed to everyone that Wachtel actually participated in drafting the Directors & Officers insurance for Barry Gold.
The whole trial process in the NY Supreme Court is a sham and we are informing Everybody we can of this travesty of justice.
Your firm has to disengage from the participation with these schemes Immediately - or be held accountable.
At the barest of minimums, after receiving this 3rd Notice - the firm of Epstein Becker and Green will be guilty of 18 USC 4 MisPrision of a Felony - 18 USC 3057(a) - failure to notify all authorities - and Breach of Fiduciary Duty under 18 USC 1346. This is not a matter of a single abherrant act of behavior - there are more than 100 felony violations here and the $500 million dollar risk to Goldman Sachs is also an SEC issue - that has now been informed at the OIG level of Mark Kenney's instructing the SEC as well to "back off". To understand the seriousness of the felony violations I would suggest a look upon the case of In re Bucyrus 94-20786 the Gellene Milbank & Tweed matter. Gellene went to jail, Milbank had to disgorge their entire $1.9 million and lost a $20 million plus litigation - (Please see book "Eat What you Kill" the Fall of a Wall Street Attorney). Paul Traub has hired a Dis-information consultant that was recently banned from WikiPedia http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Marc_Stuart_Dreier&action=history Mr. Traub can hire all the consultants he desires; it still does not mitigate the fact that there are On Going criminal organized efforts and the firm of Epstein Becker & Green is now assisting. Please be aware that Marc Dreier and Tom Petters also believed they partnered up with Mr. Traub's DOJ - Get out of Jail Free Card. Where are they now?!?!?!?!
Sincerely Laser Haas http://www.petters-fraud.com/DOJ_Cover_UP.html