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21. James M. Peck
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
... prosecuting a connected member of the legal industry Neo-Mafia? Such a "by the book" prosecutor does not merely miss out on the carrot to be "earned" by failing to let a Neo-Mafia client slide, she also ...
22. MoFo
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
Morrison Foerster has worked quite hard in recent years to burst through the glass barricades and onto the pages of BankruptcyMisconduct.com Well, looks like you made it you greedy bastard MoFo's! ...
23. Christmas Show 2022
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
... in the court house Every trustee was hiding, the crimes of a louse The fee apps were strung by false filings of fraud Now see how the criminals dupe the old broad Their Clients were hidden a wink ...
24. Bob Menendez Implosion Watch
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
... appointed to fill the corrupt seat of Jon Corzine, the crook who stole millions in client funds to gamble on "sure thing" bets made on sovereign (foreign government issued) bonds. Had Corzine "won", ...
25. DocFabrication
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
... nd all things Bruce Bennett than when we first covered the impulsiveness. Why not tell us on Twitter if you're a "potential" client, employer, or an investigator? Perhaps you're an "actual" conflict, former  ...
26. SONICblue's Irish Neo-Mafia "O'Tools"
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
... "potential" client, employer, or an investigator? Perhaps you're an "actual" conflict, former associate, or public servant getting dragged through the muck. They say that M.I. can predict an invasion ...
27. Bruce's Lament
... of legal fees where lost along with tens of millions of client forfeitures. In light of the secretive curtain of legal industry "self-regulation" it is difficult to speculate on which factor may have ...
28. Gary J. Rotella
...  Of course, the clients of whore houses in Nevada are also looking for "someone special", so you might need to take a law firm rating with a grain of horse manure. Lawyers like to say that every ...
29. DOJ for sale
...  discretion to look the other way Like when the former SEC enforcement head looked the other way re: her husbands law firm's hedge fund clients dirty fed abuses prosecutorial discretion to attack th ...
30. Schuette Fears Giants
... upon them) who abuse Pro Hac Vice in order to loot Detroit, out of state lawyers who protect their often hidden clients, as they blatantly violate conflict of interest law and ethics rules. Bill is afraid ...
31. Preet's Epic Punts
...  Preet relished becoming a part of the good old white boy club along with Eliot Spitzer, Andrew Cuomo, Cyrus Vance and more. Jon Corzine's Theft of Client Money and Failed Speculation The story of M.F ...
32. Anne M. McCormick
33. Catch The Whiff
34. Fake Chance
... want to play the game their way. With lawyers even worse, because they aren't fighting each other, they goad their clients into fighting as they make money on it. So the game is always rigged by the lawyers ...
35. Bill Schuette
36. Detroit In Play
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
... to have conspired with any third party, even former, existing or future clients, to criminally steer any small part of Detroit's bankruptcy case for their benefit. (And BankruptcyMisconduct does NOT mean ...
37. Goliath's Cullions
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
... company for the Sake of their "secret" clients Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital). Colm Connolly was a partner of MNAT. http://www.justice.gov/archive/olp/colmconnollyresume.htm Robert Alber, an ...
38. ONDOVA - Withdrawal
39. Citibank "in Play"
... over to the Dark Side. If you're client is about to go bankrupt and default on its loans to you, conspiring with your client to defraud third parties into absorbing all, or any part, of your losses is ...
40. Romney Stoned
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