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21. De-Equitization
De-Equitization is the euphemism employed as the titanic sinks: the "Big LIe" financial fraud that is the Fee Pyramid that created and sustained Biglaw is unraveling. Blame greed, blame your family & ...
22. Bruce's Lament
... financial fraud by and within the firm amidst secret compensation schemes among the partners, and a track record of violations of client best interest and conflict of interest. Like the firm he founded, ...
23. The Godfather III
24. Charges: Round One
... LeBoeuf case is about large scale Racketeering, it is a story about the knowing involvement of our largest financial institutions in bank fraud. If the U.S. won't punish a TARP recipient when caught in ...
25. Charges: Round Two
SEC Files Civil Charges against Dewey LeBoeuf Sleezbags The real story here is: "Why did the SEC actually file charges?" Everybody who has every heard of Wall Street knows that the SEC is an ugly ...
26. Preet's Epic Punts
27. Judge Lippmann
... on can be saved from the financial collapse which will eventually result from the Neo-Mafia's stranglehold on what has sadly become the "justice industry". We learned of Judge Lippman during our continu ...
28. Catch The Whiff
29. Jones Day's Demise Wish
... give a "sweetheart deal" to Merrill Lynch in the bankruptcy proceedings, a deal that would absolve the firm of all liability with respect to absurd financial deals enterred into by Detroit's disgraced ...
30. Schuette's Detroit Scienter
31. Bill Schuette
32. Detroit In Play
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
... financial condition, valuation of the city’s assets, the development of a restructuring plan and preparations for management of the bankruptcy process had long been underway Being composed nearly ...
33. Teflon Jon
34. Eric Holder
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
35. DOJ "Mea Chutzpah"
... people who got the Nation into its financial mess. Just like a brat in Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory, Judith had the effrontery to claim that the DOJ was doing its job. BankruptcyMisconduct readers ...
36. Silicon Graphics
...  enslavement of an American Entrepreneur for the financial benefit of his crooked associates in a private practise law firm. But you'll have to forgive us our propensity to protect the high esteem fo ...
38. Cover-Up Unraveling
... blic to forget the names of so-called "public servants" and self righteous media who dishonored their oaths to their profession for the benefit of the financial criminals who are destroying our na ...
39. Citibank "in Play"
Citibank is "officially" In Play Vikram Pandit "resigns" from Citigroup Readers of BankruptcyMisconduct have already read about Citibank being involved in financial fraud. Not coincidentally, you've ...
... particularly with respect to the surgical precision Vance uses to go after only a few attorneys, and to protect the greater network of financial criminals involved. (Um, read about Citibank and JP Morgan ...
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