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This is a new and growing section of free document downloads here at BankruptcyMisconduct which memorializes the RICO complaint against Mitt Romney & Bain Capital, Paul Traub and their associates.

We believe that conflict of interest issues will ultimately be the downfall of Romney and his dirty peeps.

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Sucks to be Mitt Romney these days, or affiliated with his greedy business dealings which violated all sorts of laws.


Steven Haas (“Laser”)
Private Attorney General


Willard Mitt Romney
311 Dunemere Drive
La Jolla, California

(and his many associates, hired guns, and hoodlums)

Case No.: 2:13-cv-7738 SVW (AVG)



file icon 3rd Amended Complainthot!Tooltip 09/14/2014 Hits: 4847

As repeated by His Honor Circuit Judge Michael Daly Hawkins;

“Truth needs no disguise”
Docketed confessions of fraud on the court are core to plaintiff’s case; but
no proper adjudication upon the merits of the condemnatory has transpired.
”In this Circuit’s case of Dixon v Commissioner of Internal Revenue, No. 00-70858, His Honor Michael Daly Hawkins discussed governing issues of fraud on the court, by officers of the court citing the U.S. Supreme Court case of In re Hazel-Atlas Glass v Hartford-Empire Co., 322 U.S. 238, 247 (1944).


Docketed confessions of fraud on the court are core to plaintiff’s case; but
no proper adjudication upon the merits of the condemnatory has transpired.

It should be axiomatic that integrity of the judicial process and a counsel’s
loyalty to a client are sacrosanct. Yet, the gravity of artful premeditated collusion to
gain unjust enrichment via frauds on the court and betrayal of a client’s trust/
breach of court ordered fiduciary duty; has been inexplicably/intolerably ignored.

Emboldened by federal agents/agencies willful blindness and/or staunch
refusals to prosecute wealthy parties; Defendants now seek to utilize visible frauds
on court to stymie justice here. Culprits brought to (some) justice by whistleblower
are being permitted to cry vexatious. Surely a victim of organized crimes unseemly
benefiting from venal feds permitting attorneys to betray their court approved
clients; most certainly grants any quarry the right to vex the malfeasants!

 Hey Gang: This is one of the best of Laser's works.  Still with that style, but not quite so Shakespearian.  Wonder how these Feds will want to play their turn at history's mysteries.

bankruptcy courts cannot use equitable principles to disregard unambiguous statutory language
in re Middleton Arms, L.P. 934 F.2d 723

 Yeah, at some point some law schools are going to have a class in the classlessness by which organized crime has subsumed it all.   There are so many extra lawyers ploppin' out of the mill, it's anyone's guess as to when some Obama-like change-monger will harness some lawyers to excoriate the worst of them.  Stay tuned ... #hypocrisy #eToys #RomneyRICO


Laser Haas pens another scorching letter which results in yet another government official faced with owning scienter of the eToys cover up.

RE: Presentation of Facts of U.S. Government Willful Blindness to Goldman Sachs Bad Faith Acts

Oops, they did it againEngergizer Bunnies take note: there is no rest for the whistleblower.

This press release tells how Laser Haas is teaming up with David H. Relkin to see justice served.

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