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CA Bar Complaint
Details for CA Bar Complaint
NameCA Bar Complaint

California State Bar complaint number 05-20211 (Note: revised filing below) against the Hennigan, Bennett & Dorman ("HBD") law firm and certain of its partner and employee attorneys in connection with their conduct as official counsel to the Debtor In Possession during the Aureal, Inc. bankruptcy proceedings in the Northern District of California case number 00-42104 (T). This complaint points out that the law firm HBD and its lawyers failed to make a timely and complete disclosure of all facts and relevant circumstances related to their concurrent representation of their conflicted hedge fund client Oaktree Capital et. al which was indisputably adverse to the Debtor as the sole secured creditor and largest stockholder of the Debtor. Thus, every official act performed by HBD in the Aureal proceedings that involved their conflicted client Oaktree was an unwaivable conflicted prohibited by Federal law and in further violated numerous provisions of the California Rules of Professional Conduct (ethics laws), including without limitation CRPC 3-310. False statements and intentionally withheld information in a bankruptcy case constitutes bankruptcy fraud, unless there exists special immunity for acts committed by former DOJ employees or by lawfirms with former partners currently employed within the DOJ.

Note: This original complaint CABAURHBD1v5.pdf was supplemented by the Revised Complaint CABAURHBD26.pdf and is referenced in the SEC letters SECAURHBDreq1sup.pdf and SECAURHBDreq1.pdf all of which may be downloaded without charge from BankruptcyMisconduct.com

Filesize1.22 MB
Filetypepdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On: 12/28/2005 20:08
Maintained byEverybody
Hits13348 Hits
Last updated on 04/07/2022 12:56
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