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This is a new and growing section of free document downloads here at BankruptcyMisconduct which memorializes the RICO complaint against Mitt Romney & Bain Capital, Paul Traub and their associates.

We believe that conflict of interest issues will ultimately be the downfall of Romney and his dirty peeps.

DocumentsDate added

Order by : Name | Date | Hits [ Ascendant ]

Steven (“Laser”) Haas
“Pro se”
108 E Jewel Street
Delmar, DE 19940


Willard Mitt Romney
311 Dunemere Drive
La Jolla, California

Paul Traub
C/O Rosner 824 Market St.
Wilmington, DE 19801

Bain Capital
335 Bryant St
Palo Alto, CA 94301

John & Jane “Doe’s” 1 thru 20

Case No.: No. 12-3-456789-1


Bain Capital’s Toys R Us entity is in the possession of the stolen property of eToys. Prior to this time, MNAT (as eToys debtor’s counsel) and Paul Traub (as eToys Creditors’ counsel), confessed lying thirty (30) times to this court deliberately to conceal their conflicts of interest to multiple parties. The Code & Rule of Law under Section 327(a) unambiguously dictates their disqualification.

However, due to corruption, the court was unwittingly duped to pardon them. They took the pearl of leniency and trampled over this court with further lies. Hiding the fact that they all (secretly) work for Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital in their sinful quest to destroy the eToys public company. A neon elephant in the room that no one, thus far, has been able to see, is Bain Capital CEO’s wicked desire to be “retroactively” resigned from the eToys crimes in 2001.
file icon Affidavit of Haashot!Tooltip 10/24/2012 Hits: 4430
This sworn affidavit by Haas establishes his standing as a party in interest to the eToys bankruptcy case, in which allegations are made connecting Mitt Romney to a number of lawyers and bankruptcy professionals who have admitted making false statements while hiding their conflict of interest.
file icon Romney - Response Due Date hot!Tooltip 10/24/2012 Hits: 4406

In accordance with court rules, the filing of the Emergency Motion against Romney and his associates automatically establishes deadlines for Romney and his associates to respond.  The motion includes this warning:

If you wish to file a response to the Emergency Motion noted above, you must do son on or be-fore November 02, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. ET (the “Objection Deadline). At the same time, you must also serve a copy of your response to this ‘pro se’ party, the court, the United States Trustees and all other current parties of interest.

The file Romney-Oct2012_Notice_of_Motion_ResponseNov2_2012.pdf can be downloaded from BankruptcyMisconduct for free.

file icon COS on Romney / eToyshot!Tooltip 10/24/2012 Hits: 4380

 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE For Emergency Motion October 22, 2012

This document is a sworn pledge that the following persons were delivered a copy of the motion which alleges serious misdeeds and conflict of interest on the part of Mitt Romney via the actions of a number of bankruptcy professionals.  The following persons were served:

Mark S. Kenney, Esquire
Office of United States Trustee
J. Caleb Boggs Federal Bldg.
844 King Street
Suite 2313, Lockbox 35
Wilmington, DE 19801

Mark Minuti (Barry Gold’s counsel)
Saul Ewing LLP
222 Delaware Avenue
P.O. Box 1266
Wilmington, DE 19899

Frederick Rosner, Esquire (As Paul Traub local counsel & attorneys for Creditors / PEDC)
The Rosner Law Group LLC
824 Market Street, Suite 810
Wilmington, DE 19801

Kathryn Tran
EBC I, Inc.
c/o Xroads Solutions Group, LLC
1821 East Dyer Road, Suite 225
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Greg Werkheiser
Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell LLC
1201 North Market Street, 18th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801

The file Romney-ACTUAL_COS_Oct2012_EmergencyMotion_response_due_Nov2_2012.pdf can be downloaded from BankruptcyMisconduct for free.

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