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... attorney. The whistleblower filed this affidavit showing relevant facts unreported by Heiman in their motion, as well as an extraordinary letter from a different honorable lawer who would not let Heiman ...
... to advise the court of a critical fact. Francis M. Allegra Judge  ...
... to this motion. There are reports that the BigLaw firm MNAT, famous for their involvement with eToys bankruptcy case, was representing the outside public firm which allegedly exerted de facto control over ...
... this order, it's amazing for how clearly Judge Arthur J. Gonzalez is able to both discern bankruptcy misconduct and also articulate clearly most of the many transgressions established by his facts whilst ...
Anyone involved in bankruptcy investing knows of small players in #ClaimsTrading Just like the #HedgeFunds only smaller Indeed, very similar in more ways than one. In fact, #ConflictFraud - an incontrovertible ...
7. CABAURHBD Chart 3
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
... ("HBD"). PWC was simultaneously a client of HBD, a fact that does not appear to have been disclosed in any of the sworn declarations as required from HBD as part of their fee requests. The Court found ...
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
... of resignations of directors, resignation of a director for cause, and the consolidation of control by the hedge fund Oaktree Capital, et al. The fraudulent filings are exacerbated by the fact that ...
9. CA Bar Complaint
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
... that the law firm HBD and its lawyers failed to make a timely and complete disclosure of all facts and relevant circumstances related to their concurrent representation of their conflicted hedge fund ...
12. Senator Sherrod Brown gets stuck in eToys web
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
Laser Haas pens another scorching letter which results in yet another government official faced with owning scienter of the eToys cover up. RE: Presentation of Facts of U.S. Government Willful Blindness ...
14. Judge, please hide this!
(Download:Bharara's Pretender Legacy)
... the DOJ fail to address either the truth of the facts in the allegations sworn by Mr. Haas, or the applicable law. Instead, the DOJ Lawyers seek to have the truth buried by a technicality, and by as ...
15. Anne M. McCormick joins DOJ Scienter on eToys Romney
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
Yo go, girl! We gotta love your logical fallacy, that a complainant's presumed dissatisfaction with a court case precludes the possibility that something could, in fact, be Rotten In Denmark or Delaware. ...
18. Motion alleging crimes favoring Mitt Romney
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
...  However, due to corruption, the court was unwittingly duped to pardon them. They took the pearl of leniency and trampled over this court with further lies. Hiding the fact that they all (secretly) w ...
20. Nothing Is Definitive
(Download:Dewey LeBoeuf)
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