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... filed a motion to be relieved. This behavior is known as an ACPOC Syndrome Motion whereby a lawfirm seeks to abandon its client in order to avoid taking action which could bring punishment on an opposing ...
... at him, and have the government pursue a RICO case against all the lawyers who paid him bribes as well as their clients. The opposing parties need an opportunity to recover as well. Enough band aid corruption ...
... who heard a lawyer admit to advising his client that death threats where legal in a bankruptcy context. "The fish stinks from the head down" - Arthur "Artie" Bucco, Jr.   This document is available ...
4. CABAURHBD Chart 1
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
... later realized that the claim was one of the claims purchased by their conflicting client Argo Partners. Even though the 10 day period elapsed after the Court's final order which disallowed Argo's claim, ...
... The Court Conspiracy then her own firm. O'Melveny & Myers actually brags about how they help convince their client Frank Bergonzi to cut a deal and snitch on his cohorts in crime in this excerpt from ...
While not a bankruptcy case, at least just yet, this is quite an example of #ConflictOfInterest causing Lawyers to lie to their clients and favor an adverse party. This is going to be quite a doozy of ...
7. CABAURHBD Chart 3
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
... ("HBD"). PWC was simultaneously a client of HBD, a fact that does not appear to have been disclosed in any of the sworn declarations as required from HBD as part of their fee requests. The Court found ...
8. CABAURHBD Chart 2
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
...  By "coincidence", this conflicted law firm ensured that their conflicting client, the majority stockholder Oaktree et al, received over $20 Million dollars from the bankruptcy case while the minority ...
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
... & Dorman LLP (" HBD ") and all lawyers therein who simultaneously represented conflicted clients Oaktree Capital et al., Aureal, Inc. and Argo Partners. The California State Bar wanted a copy of ...
10. CA Bar Complaint
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
... client Oaktree Capital et. al which was indisputably adverse to the Debtor as the sole secured creditor and largest stockholder of the Debtor. Thus, every official act performed by HBD in the Aureal ...
11. CA Bar **Revised** Complaint
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
... as counsel to the Debtor In Possession Aureal, Inc. vis a vis a number of HBD's simultaneous clients which were adverse to Aureal including hedge fund Oaktree Capital et al., Argo Partners, and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. ...
... e of lawyers on Mills behalf from answering the real meat of the questions, related to Pagliano and the eMail server, was #AttorneyClientPrivilege. That excuse is the "we are lawyers so we can't be he ...
... d by the crooked lawyers @JonesDay who represented their conflicted client Oaktree Capital as evidenced by free downloads on this site.  ...
16. 3rd Amended Complaint
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
...  schemed with his Jones Day associated lawyers who have a dirty track record of Conflict Of Interest violations to benefit their sometimes hidden hedge fund clients. Should we be surprised that Mr. Or ...
19. Nothing Is Definitive
(Download:Dewey LeBoeuf)
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