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2. Appeal of CA State Bar "no standing" excuse
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
...  Fraudulently withholding the names of co-conspirators in an organized crime ring is exactly such a stubborn thorn in the side of organized crime on this one. And BankruptcyMisconduct is not focused ...
... attorneys, and can those "prestigious" and "well-connected" attorneys who participate in fraudulent schemes avoid prosecution because of their "connections"? BankruptcyMisconduct.com applauds Mr. ...
Martha Stewart is deemed as having told a lie during an investigation. Even though she corrected it after reviewing her notes of her own volition and prior to any sort of adjudication, she is placed ...
The Judicial Conference of the United States gets it right, finds numerous ethical and criminal violations by Federal Judge G. Thomas Porteous including Bankruptcy Fraud. BankruptcyMisconduct calls this ...
... this order, it's amazing for how clearly Judge Arthur J. Gonzalez is able to both discern bankruptcy misconduct and also articulate clearly most of the many transgressions established by his facts whilst ...
8. CABAURHBD Chart 1
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
Color coded chart showing the chronology of certain instances of Attorney Misconduct with hyperlinks within the Revised Complaint. The conflict of interest involves Argo Partners, a bankruptcy claims ...
... tells some of the story of outrageous and blatant misconduct by lawyers, rightfully described as fraud upon the court. The SONICblue opinion represents a hole in the dike holding back floodwaters that ...
... their own 2003 - 2004 report: Mail Fraud & Wire Fraud are some serious crimes, and predicates to the RICO statute. What's good for the gander is good for the goose. And to be clear, BankruptcyMisconduct ...
...  Readers, take note of how the law is argued about conflict of interest. Notice how Mr. Oliner echoes the law and semantics just like you've read argued on the pages of BankruptcyMisconduct for years. ...
... at the same time he schemed with his associates to harm the entity for which he held a fiduciary duty. But don't take the word of BankruptcyMisconduct on this opinion, read the official OIG document ...
Yo, Yo, Yo! White Crook Caught Red Handed Jon Corzine is the Teflon Jon, caught stealin' money. One point 5 of the biggest. What are the chances that an organized crime member gets punished? No, ...
... for our understanding, as if Marra skipped his orientation training. Stay tuned at BankruptcyMIsconduct because we are not afraid to point fingers at the really ugly people involved, failing to do ...
... for free on BankruptcyMisconduct.com  ...
16. CABAURHBD Chart 3
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
... spanked by the judge in the Aureal Inc. bankruptcy proceedings. Legal misconduct by PWC was found to have been performed with the assistance of Aureal's bankruptcy counsel Hennigan, Bennett, and Dorman ...
17. CABAURHBD Chart 2
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
Chronology of Conflicted Representation with hyperlinks into the Revised Complaint. The conflict of interest summarized in this color coded chart involves Argo Partners, a bankruptcy claims trader which ...
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
... the Judge's order in the Aureal, Inc. bankruptcy in which she found misconduct by professionals. Included in the letter was newly uncovered information showing that the ethical violations in the revised ...
19. CA Bar Complaint
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
... CABAURHBD26.pdf and is referenced in the SEC letters SECAURHBDreq1sup.pdf and SECAURHBDreq1.pdf all of which may be downloaded without charge from BankruptcyMisconduct.com  ...
20. CA Bar **Revised** Complaint
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
Revised ethics complaint to the California State Bar ("CA Bar") alleging a series of disclosure failures and extreme misconduct by Hennigan, Bennett, & Dorman ("HBD") with respect to their appointment ...
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