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41. Officers Hiding
... statement, or promise to defraud creditors in a bankruptcy case? Apparantly, the FBI is aware of some problems with #1 - that is 10 problems every day. Readers of bankruptcyMisconduct.com are aware ...
42. Baron's Stores
... iciaries, the Creditors. As mentioned in my previous Notice dated September 17, 2008, the Courts have  ...
43. Bankruptcy Pimp
44. Fed vs DOJ
... law firm that also supplied more than 16 false affidavits as the creditors counsel planted a paid associate in as CEO of the Debtor. The illegal efforts at immunity was offered to only one law firm ...
45. Gems from Blogosphere
... ghting a fire under her judgeship's cannons. Dewey say $155 Million disappeared? How does one hide such facts from insurance carriers, creditors, and bars? Let alone DAs. This Dewey story ...
46. Lou "Big Daddy" Posner
... the laws? Honor Among Thieves? If you really do trust all of the sleeze-bag people you work around every day then ignore this page and do nothing. Your spouse, children, and creditors will get ...
47. Most Popular
...  distributions to creditors as to the timing of payment and the percentage of payment. Such a simple request that the Court orders a party to disclose information is extremely common in bankruptcy cases ...
48. Fraud & Abuse
49. Roberta DeAngelis
... this stinging affidavit by the chairperson of the Official Creditors Committee of eToys: there are astounding allegations of a $300 Million dollar scheme to defraud eToys stockholders along with a cover ...
50. Spitzer's Dilemma
...  hiring by creditors such as hedge funds, and their claims trading affiliates, in all other matters; as such would pose a conflict with their duty to be adverse to the same creditors in the Worldcom case ...
51. Cases
... rofessionals and hedge fund claims traders. The WorldCom / MCI case is notable for the blatant disregard of equal treatment for similarly situated creditors as mandated by the bankruptcy code (Title 11  ...
52. Marcia Goldstein
... a different claims trader - who was excluded from the favored treatment (would have only gotten as much as normal creditors) - demanded that his counsel ask the Court to form an investigation of the conflict ...
53. eToys Conflict
...  Bankruptcy Code are an extraordinary grant of rights over and above the ordinary constitutional rights of creditors, with corresponding extraordinary responsibilities of truthfulness, good faith, an ...
(Uncategorised Content)
55. A Pack Of Dogs
(Uncategorised Content)
... in the world because it goes beyond the ancient concept of looking only to the distribution of assets to creditors and offers the honest debtor a fresh start. When the 1978 Code and its amendments w ...
56. Liars Gold
(Uncategorised Content)
... Chairperson of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors in the eToys bankruptcy case. There is a lot of interesting information in that document, most of which addresses facts related to the apparrent ...
57. Somethings Coming...
(Uncategorised Content)
58. DOJ: Internal Dissent
(Uncategorised Content)
... I worked for two well respected Buffalo law firms, representing debtors, creditors and creditor committees in a variety of bankruptcy matters. In 2002, I applied for the position of Trial Attorney in ...
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