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Details for CABAURHBDreq1

This letter CABAURHBDreq1.pdf contains additional documents requested by the California State Bar in conjunction with their evaluation of the Original Complaint as Revised against the firm Hennigan, Bennett & Dorman LLP (" HBD ") and all lawyers therein who simultaneously represented conflicted clients Oaktree Capital et al., Aureal, Inc. and Argo Partners.

The California State Bar wanted a copy of the Judge's order in the Aureal, Inc. bankruptcy in which she found misconduct by professionals. Included in the letter was newly uncovered information showing that the ethical violations in the revised complaint were inextricably intertwined with numerous SEC Violations.

When a public company such as Aureal, Inc. files its mandatory 8K report listing "current items", they are required to answer under criminal penalty of Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 "Are there any other current items to report? ".  Aureal, through it's agents and lawyers, fraudulently answered "No" as they excluded mandatory disclosure of resignations of directors, resignation of a director for cause, and the consolidation of control by the hedge fund Oaktree Capital, et al. The fraudulent filings are exacerbated by the fact that Oaktree Capital was the simultaneous client of HBD, the same law firm which was in control of Aureal during its bankruptcy and the numerous SEC Violations.

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Created On: 03/01/2001 23:33
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Last updated on 04/07/2022 12:57
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