Details for Michael G. Kessler is smarter than Dan Rather
Property | Value |
Name | Michael G. Kessler is smarter than Dan Rather |
Description | Michael G. Kessler CrFA, CFE, DABFA FABFE is a Certified Forensic Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Internal Controls Auditor and works with Kessler International. Apparently Mr. Kessler has enough balls to stand up to organized crime and to speak the truth. I suggest that anyone needing the services of an honorable documents expert contact him. |
Filename | BaronsMichael_G-Expertise_Bio_Computer_2008_FINAL.doc |
Filesize | 37.5 kB |
Filetype | doc (Mime Type: application/msword) |
Creator | admin |
Created On: |
03/29/2009 13:52 |
Viewers | Everybody |
Maintained by | Everybody |
Hits | 6480 Hits |
Last updated on |
03/29/2009 15:22 |
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