News & Notable Relevant Documents, research, editorials, comment, academic, news, etc. DocumentsDate addedYo, Yo, Yo! White Crook Caught Red Handed Jon Corzine is the Teflon Jon, caught stealin' money. One point 5 of the biggest. What are the chances that an organized crime member gets punished? No, not low level Tony Soprano type, but one of the big players, government insiders. Well, first let's consider what some honest members of our federal government who were in charge of enforcing the relevant laws against such crimes had to say on the matter:
This Federal Judicial Center publication was undertaken in furtherance of the Centers statutory mission to develop and conduct education programs for judicial branch employees: Guide to the Judicial Management of
Bankruptcy Mega-Cases Laura B. Bartell Professor of Law Wayne State University Law School Detroit, Michigan
S. Elizabeth Gibson
Where There is Smoke, There is Fire You think rich people would pay for an entire operation with their own money after they just paid six figures for the kidney? ... that there wasn't a single surgeon or operating room staff suspicious about the Playmate Cooler that arrived from the Middle or Far East, that there wasn't a single lawyer helping the crime ring to dot their eyes and cross their Tees. RICO RACKETEERING ACTIVITY DEFINED RACKETEERING ACT 4(a) Yes people, this is the real deal. A former State and Federal prosecutor here. A former U.S. Army Ranger. What is missing from this story? ... Guilty on all Counts So many similarities between this guy and Eliot Spitzer. Why was Bergrin prosecuted when Spitzer's dealings with money laundering and prostitution rings are ignored? Download Bergin_Former_US_Attorney_Guilty_of_Murder_Prostitution_RICO.jpg for free on In the United States Court of Federal Claims
No. 08-700C
Here we go again! Can't stop the rocket... SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK MARC DREIER, Defendant. Case No. 09-cr-085 (JSR) CORRECTED NOTICE OF APPEARANCE The Relkin Law Firm, by David H. Relkin, Esq., hereby appears as counsel for whisdeblower 1 Steven ("Laser") Haas and Collateral Logistics, Inc. ("CLI"), where CLI was the Court-approved liquidation consultant in the eToys, Inc., Bankruptcy Case/ ("eToys"); wherein Laser informed the Court, and the United States Trustee's motion 3 to disgorge (the "Disgorge Motion") corroborated issues of bankruptcy fraud and intentional fraud on the court by Paul Traub's law firm of Traub Bonacquist & Fox ("TBF") 4 , and an Order was entered disgorging fees from TBF, after some of TBF's admitted, deliberate failures to disclose conflicts of interests resulted in sanctions against TBF.
DanceMom's Abby Lee Miller Prosecuted whilst Hedge Fund & Lawyer ConflictFraud Flourisheshot!
Hits: 4179
We'll have a lot more to say on this. Why is it that #ConflictFraud is allowed to enrich dirty #HedgeFund Managers and their False Affidavit filing dirty lawyers? This is for crimes involving from hundreds of Millions of dollars into the Billions of dollars. But when a #Woman is alleged to have made a false statement involving far less than a million dollars, only a fraction, the #DOJ feels it must prosecute? Anyone involved in bankruptcy investing knows of small players in #ClaimsTrading Just like the #HedgeFunds only smaller Indeed, very similar in more ways than one. In fact, #ConflictFraud - an incontrovertible Fraud Upon The Court, is likely more pervasive and discoverable due to the use by some big dogs of surrogates. By the way, #HedgeCrimesMatter and it's just a matter of time before #ConflictFraud goes front burner! While not a bankruptcy case, at least just yet, this is quite an example of #ConflictOfInterest causing Lawyers to lie to their clients and favor an adverse party. This is going to be quite a doozy of a lawsuit, if our Corrupt courts don't pull out the stops to just make this one "Go Away" somehow Case 0:16-cv-61511-WJZ |
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