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Chris Cox & Linda Chatman Thomsen tied to the Cover-Up
Details for Chris Cox & Linda Chatman Thomsen tied to the Cover-Up
NameChris Cox & Linda Chatman Thomsen tied to the Cover-Up

This letter binds Christopher Cox, then Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission - together with previously notified SEC officers Linda Chatman Thomsen, then director of the Enforcement Division, and Marc J. Fagel - to the unforgettable cover up of SEC violations involving the multi billion dollar hedge fund known as Oaktree Capital, and their conflicted professionals.

"I am surprised that enforcement action has not yet been publicized regarding the surreptitious takeover and liquidation of a registrant by and for the benefit of a massive hedge fund."

Sure, it wasn't as big as Bernie Madoff's fraud.  But reported violations in these letters were simpler to understand and prove than those by Harry Markopoulos against the Madoff et al  Ponzi scheme.  There is no reasonable explanation for the SEC failing to address this clear matter without accounting for corrupt motives on the part of some lawyers within the SEC.  Only a Federal Special Prosecutor can unravel the Honest Services Fraud by public officials on this one.  What other paper trails are out there?  What, me Wonder?

This letter was self titled "SECAURCABsen3.pdf" and referenced the previously written and signed complaint letters SECAURHBDreq1.pdf and SECAURHBDreq1sup.pdf.
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Created On: 10/03/2009 00:22
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Last updated on 11/26/2014 12:08
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