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Misconduct Complaint against Preet Bharara
Details for Misconduct Complaint against Preet Bharara
NameMisconduct Complaint against Preet Bharara

Misconduct Complaint against the US Attorney (Preet Bharara) for the SDNY & Two Assistants: Misrepresentations and Fabrications in their Brief for Defendants-Appellees in Kalderon v Finkelstein et al., 11-1227-cv

BankruptcyMisconduct found this complaint against Preet on the interweb and honestly, we must admit that we are not surprised to find allegations that Preet Bharara would abuse his office, and engage in blantant misconduct in order to win a case to protect connected individuals and institutions.

Yet another controversy against SDNY DA Bharara


But we are truly sadened that the research award that had been granted by the federal government to Nurit Kalderon, Ph.D. for spinal cord cures has been "stolen".  Is there not a more compelling topic for research than curing spinal cord injuries?  Consider our injured veterans - don't they deserve the best chance for recovery?  It's not right that institutional politics could be used to divert funds away from a worthy researcher to satisfy the political whims of newly installed college administrators.  And worse, it's not right that dirty lawyering can keep anyone from having their fair day in court.

Unfortunately for genuine justice, the attorney policing system is yet another self regulation charade.

A pox on all of the main stream media who ignore the complaints about Bharara, just as they puff up his bogus record.  Does Eliot Spitzer, the former federal District Attorney and New York State Attorney General, who engaged in money laundering with organized crime ring a bell.

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Created On: 01/23/2014 10:51
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Hits5895 Hits
Last updated on 01/24/2014 10:09
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