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Walrath's Opprobrium
Details for Walrath's Opprobrium
NameWalrath's Opprobrium

Federal U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge Mary F. Walrath is facing the gambler's conundrum.

Take the loss, or double down.

If past is prologue, this tired old sow will double down. Rather than start the unraveling of the mega bankruptcy case with perhaps the most obvious and undeniable web of conflicts and blatant coordinated frauds upon the court, Mary the Greek will likely seek to extend the leaning house of cards we all know as the eToys case.

Rest assured all you readers of BankruptcyMisconduct (this includes all of you at usdoj.gov, at BigLaw firms, from your vacations in the Caribean, and from Washington, D.C. including senate.gov & house.gov): We are humbled by your continuing and growing attention to the issues as presented on our site.

We promise you that judge Mary Walrath will be forever equated with the eToys frauds and cover-up, and her numerous decisions shall define judicial competence in the face of fraud upon the court as it existed at the start of this new, financially precarious century.

Scholarship award contestants should download a free copy of the eToys fraud upon the Court motion filed in October 2001 here: eToys_Oct31_2011_Fraud_on_Court_Brief_FINAL_one1.pdf

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Created On: 11/01/2011 10:52
Maintained byEditor
Hits7200 Hits
Last updated on 11/01/2011 10:53
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