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Lehman Brothers

Lehman Brothers et al. is the largest every bankruptcy in the U.S.A. as of 2008.

Of course, BankruptcyMisconduct.com readers will have the expectations of misconduct and fraud fulfilled.

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Remember, our laws which are designed to protect us from organized crime, such as the well known pattern of Bankruptcy Rings involving law firms and professionals, only work when the lawyers employed by the federal government put their jobs ahead of their own selfish career interests.

And then we have the Lehman Bankruptcy, the largest ever, with some of the most outrageous allegations of skulduggery ever made by our nations most profitable bankruptcy "professionals".  These allegations are indistinguishable from the lowest hurdle of bankruptcy fraud.   BankruptcyMisconduct hopes that you have already read these allegations in our free download entitled Lehman Firesale Fraud.

So what does our "trusty" U.S. fed lawyer Diana G. Adams do in case with at least $10 billion alleged to have been stolen from creditors?  Adams argues that the stockholders should have no place at the table, that the stockholders should have no lawyers fighting for them.   Read about how "Diana G. you're screwed" argues that equity should just shut the hell up, based upon the same books and records which enabled the Firesale Fraud here in our free download Lehman_US_Trustee_urges_stockholders_silenced_amidst_FireSale_Fraud.pdf


As if the organized criminal elements have it easy enough with a wife beating Judge Peck, protected by Andrew Cuomo, in charge of the case.  On top of that, stockholders are denied their chances at having the $10 Billion or more, plus punitive measures and disgorgements, returned to the case.  Where there is smoke, there is fire. 

What other dark secrets related to Lehman have the evil "pros" successfully buried?



Volume 9- Appendices 23 - 34
Volume 8- Appendices 8 - 22
Volume 7- Appendices 2 - 7
Volume 6- Appendix 1
Volume 1- Sections I & II: Introduction, Executive Summary & Procedural Background; Section III.A.1: Risk
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