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This Federal Judicial Center publication was undertaken in furtherance of the Centers statutory mission to develop and conduct education programs for judicial branch employees:

Guide to the Judicial Management of
Bankruptcy Mega-Cases

Laura B. Bartell
Professor of Law
Wayne State University Law School
Detroit, Michigan


S. Elizabeth Gibson
Burton Craige Professor of Law
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
School of Law
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Download Federal_Judicial_Center__Judicial_Management_of_Mega-Cases__Bartell_Gibson.pdf for free!

In the United States Court of Federal Claims

No. 08-700C
Filed: December 1, 2014

  • The record reveals at least two instances of conduct by defendant?s counsel that, in the court?s view, provide indication that fraud on the court has occurred here.
  • This matter has since been referred to the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) at the Justice Department.
  • The record indicates that there is much more involved here than a simple misstatement of act, a fraudulent filing, or a failure to advise the court of a critical fact.

Francis M. Allegra

This interesting file is an affidavit by a brave man named Israel Weinstock, who apparantly holds "Old School" beliefs about Truth & Justice vis a vis Corruption:

two issues which are fundamental to the functioning of our society and particularly the judicial system: can the rich and the powerful evade and avoid prosecution for their criminal behavior by retaining "prestigious" and "well-connected" attorneys, and can those "prestigious" and "well-connected" attorneys who participate in fraudulent schemes avoid prosecution because of their "connections"?

BankruptcyMisconduct.com applauds Mr. Weinstock for deeming his own comfort less important than preserving the honest and noble pursuit of happenstance in the U.S.A. Please read his affidavit ISRAEL_WEINSTOCK-Affidavit_Motion_Rule_60(b).pdf and let us know if you find the bankruptcy system as the venue in which the alleged cover up of crime seems shocking.


Martha Stewart is deemed as having told a lie during an investigation. Even though she corrected it after reviewing her notes of her own volition and prior to any sort of adjudication, she is placed in jail.

When Jeff Adams was with a lawyer employed by Bettison, Doyle, Apffel & Guarino, P.C. as they sought to be employed by Eagle Broadband, Inc. et al. he filed a blatantly false affidavit of disinterestedness.

Download this order where judge LETITIA Z. CLARK gently slaps Jeff down.

We've seen Conflict Of Interest problems and false affidavits before, but in this case Jeff Adams was an appointed officer of a few public companies affiliated with Eagle Broadband.

Let's start the clock ticking as to when Mr. Adams gets incarcerated. Too bad it doesn't look like Jeff has any bargaining leverage in order to help a District Attorney nab a bigger crook, like the otherwise similarly situated Suzzanne Uhland.

Suzzanne is better off than Jeff
because if she plays her cards smart, she could strike a deal while the window is still open...

Where there is a raging fire, there is fire ...

  • Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries and who appear to be linked to an “Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.”
  • Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.
  • In addition to the over $4 million paid by Burisma for Hunter Biden’s and Archer’s board memberships, Hunter Biden, his family, and Archer received millions of dollars from foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds.
  • Hunter Biden Has Extensive Financial Connections to the Chinese

Anyone involved in bankruptcy investing knows of small players in #ClaimsTrading

Just like the #HedgeFunds only smaller

Indeed, very similar in more ways than one. In fact, #ConflictFraud - an incontrovertible Fraud Upon The Court, is likely more pervasive and discoverable due to the use by some big dogs of surrogates.

By the way, #HedgeCrimesMatter and it's just a matter of time before #ConflictFraud goes front burner!

Eliot Spitzer is known in the public mind for a legacy that includes doing business with organized crime during his years as a pretend prosecutor and corrupt governor of New York State. Even so, the commercial media have done a great job at glossing over the many organized crime elements which profited directly from their illicit connections with Spitzer and indirectly through his degenerate abuse of Prosecutorial Discretion.

And so, it was not long after Eliot Spitzer lost his ultimate power over the business of "justice" in New York that a bankruptcy lawyer, and pimp, known as Big Daddy Lou was arrested. It is a challenge for ordinary citizens to comprehend the racially motivated hatred, bigotry, and birthright entitlement which motivates and justifies educated lawyers like Louis J. Posner & Eliot Spitzer to profit on the slave trade in young Russian sex slaves.

Perhaps even more of a challenge is understanding why a fib by Martha Stewart, corrected of her own volition prior to any adjudication, related to an alleged insider $40K stock trade offense results in a years incarceration. And the million dollar prostition ring that was run by the bankruptcy lawyer Louis Joseph Posner, which included false statements to police, and making fraudulent charges against the police, results in the slap on the wrist of community service and probation. While we admit that the "higher standard" myth about lawyers is a well known joke, we can barely imagine the dirt on public officials that Posner traded for his freedom.

We can only wait for the day when a Federal Special Prosecutor can make the rounds to the former (we hope) Spitzer organized crime ring and clean up the disgusting mess. Andrew Cuomo did a great job keeping things covered up, but a new day is coming.

One lawyer disbarred is not even a start. We need wholesale incarcerations and forfeiture of criminal enterprises. By the way, and adjudication done via a Fraud Upon The Court creates an infinitely long statute of limitations. Fraudulently withholding the names of co-conspirators in an organized crime ring is exactly such a stubborn thorn in the side of organized crime on this one. And BankruptcyMisconduct is not focused upon statements by Big Daddy. The prosecutor's office is infected by the influence of organized crime, and felony crimes ensare all who profit, aid, abet, instigate, counsels, or influences.

So read this little prologue, the disbarment and expungement of bankruptcy lawyer Louis J. Posner.

Racketeering activity, as defined by the RICO statute, includes any acts that
involve or that may be charged as any of a wide range of crimes under state or federal

(Conspiracy to Murder a Witness)

Yes people, this is the real deal. A former State and Federal prosecutor here. A former U.S. Army Ranger. What is missing from this story? ...

Yo, Yo, Yo!

White Crook Caught Red Handed

Jon Corzine is the Teflon Jon, caught stealin' money. One point 5 of the biggest.

What are the chances that an organized crime member gets punished? No, not low level Tony Soprano type, but one of the big players, government insiders. Well, first let's consider what some honest members of our federal government who were in charge of enforcing the relevant laws against such crimes had to say on the matter:

Corzine bears responsibility for MF Global's unlawful acts. He held and exercised direct or indirect control over MF Global and Holdings and either did not act in good faith or knowingly induced these violations. In violation of his legal obligations, he also failed to supervise diligently the activities of MF Global's officers, employees, and agents.

Duane Morris is among the biggest of the BigLaw profit centers willing to wade admidst the filthy muck known as bankruptcy law, even infamous Delaware skank.

So perhaps it should come as no surprise to find a partner of Duane Morris caught first with his pants down in his repeated disloyal attempts to aid his associates in their legal matters against the Post Office, and then lying about it during the investigation. As if the Post Office doesn't have enough trouble these days, they were saddled with a dirty lawyer who was an official member of the United States Postal Service Board of Governors at the same time he schemed with his associates to harm the entity for which he held a fiduciary duty.

But don't take the word of BankruptcyMisconduct on this opinion, read the official OIG document on Alan C. Kessler for yourself at "no charge". Hurry before Duane Morris promotes him to CEO or something.

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