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General Michael Flynn was Bankrupted by our corrupted Department Of Justice & FBI. Anyone doubting the transformation of those two vestigial Charlatans of Truth into tools to enrich deep state criminals and their Neo-Mafia extended families inside & outside government is either a co-conspirator or a dolt. Who among you could afford to defend yourself against a corrupt prosecutorial machine which has zero budgetary or financial restrictions? Much ado is made about Flynn's guilty plea, urged by his crooked counsel, themselves corrupted if not blatantly conflicted as well.

At what point do you throw in the towel, how many millions in debt do you go?

How about when the DOJ threatens your son? Once you realize that your own innocence won't protect you, you'll understand the threats against your son are real and they'll get away with it.

One out of a million or so, is the lawyer is who honest and brilliant. When she takes up your case, you withdraw your guilty plea made under duress.

Then the biased, to the point of also being racist, Judge Emmet G Sullivan soils his underwear in a hissy fit so grand that it makes Amanda Bynes seem like a Stable Genius in comparison.

file icon Dreier Corrected NAPhot!Tooltip 12/11/2015 Hits: 2273

Here we go again! Can't stop the rocket...

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, -Against-

MARC DREIER, Defendant. Case No. 09-cr-085 (JSR)


The Relkin Law Firm, by David H. Relkin, Esq., hereby appears as counsel for whisdeblower 1 Steven ("Laser") Haas and Collateral Logistics, Inc. ("CLI"), where CLI was the Court-approved liquidation consultant in the eToys, Inc., Bankruptcy Case/ ("eToys"); wherein Laser informed the Court, and the United States Trustee's motion 3 to disgorge (the "Disgorge Motion") corroborated issues of bankruptcy fraud and intentional fraud on the court by Paul Traub's law firm of Traub Bonacquist & Fox ("TBF") 4 , and an Order was entered disgorging fees from TBF, after some of TBF's admitted, deliberate failures to disclose conflicts of interests resulted in sanctions against TBF.

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